Here is some colour artwork for Snubbs, I've posted all stages of the process. Firstly, I penciled it, then inked it. After inking it, I took it into illustrator, deleted all the white and cleaned up all the dirty marks around it, as well as connecting some unconnected lines. I then took it into photoshop and coloured it. I tried to make sure to mix some greys into the colour, as otherwise it comes off rather amateur-ish. I then added some highlights to the colour. I did not like the harshness of the edges so I softened them using the blur tool. Finally, I wanted to give the drawings an extra something, so I decided to place the art on a canvas background. I wanted to blend the art in a bit more so I put an opacity on it set at 81%. I am very happy with the results, as I feel as if I'm constantly learning with photoshop.