Here is my colour design for Sash, again I used the same technique as I did with Snubb's artwork. I wanted Sash o have a limited colour pallet, and have her clothes consist of light blue and light purple. This is because I wanted those colours to be identified with her. I chose purple as one of her main colours as I think it is a colour that has lots of attitude but retains its feminine quality. Most of Sash's clothes, and makeup consist of different hues of purple and blue. I'm quite happy with Sash, but I would really like some comments on what people think, in case I should change it.
P.S. Cutler and Mr X coming soon....
I would of chosen red, but red mostly symbolises danger, fierceness and bad attitude. However I don't think red would compliment the light blue legings or jeans she has on, so good choice on the purple. Furthermore, it depends on what kind of attitude, fiery or strong and feminine but not fiery. Overall I think its an effective design on the latter attitude that I mentioned.