Here is my designs for the main antagonist, Mr X. Because he is part 'ogre' I wanted him to not not look human, then again I did not want him to loose his swave personality. So I had to create a blend between the two. Both in Japanese and Chinese mythology there is alot of tales about people that are part animal or that transform into animal, so it became evident to me to blend him with an animal. After a little thinking I realised, the world had seen were-wolfs, and half man half pigs, but when have you ever seen part fish....okay except for mermaids but they don't count because its only their bottom half that's fish-like. Anyway, I got to thinking about some fishy designs. The first page of designs that I did, weren't fishy enough. He looked too human. However, on the second page I decided to get a little crazier with the designs. Firstly I looked at a sharks face, however when I applied this to the character it didn't look menacing or swave...it just looked ridiculous. I then decided to look at a more oriental fish, the koi carp. The first man-carp design looked a little stupid, but the second one looked okay. I gave him, pronounced cheek bones, no nose, gills on his temples and a little carp-like moustache. I wanted my character to have hair, because I thought that bald was boring, so I gave him locks of hair that looked like octopus tentacles. I quite like the overall look of this design so I took it to the next step and drew him, full bodied. However, my drawing ended up quite bad, and the costume design was terrible. I'll have to think harder about that one.
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