Over the last few days, I have been refining the models. Seeing as I am ill today (and off work) I decided to do some Maya and post up my progress. I have mainly spent time on both the characters bodies making the details more refined. When you smooth the model, you loose some of the punch of the drawings, so you have to spend a lot of time playing with the vertexes trying to get the model right. Everyone said, and I agreed, that Cutler's legs are too skinny, so I sized them up, and then proportioned his body accordingly. With both of the characters faces, I had a tough time placing the eyeball in the model (just as Jamie predicted). I had to really play around with the eye sockets to get it right. I can't really explain how I did it, it was just playing around with the vertexes. I did do Mr X's body as well, but the computer crashed so I can't show you any images. Lucky I saved before...that's the second saving crisis I've had this project.
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